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How to Strategically Plan Your Recruitment Process

Finding the ideal candidates for your company—individuals who are hardworking, passionate, and dedicated—is a crucial task. However, it can often feel overwhelming. That’s why taking a step back and carefully mapping out your hiring process is not only worthwhile but also essential for success. So, how can you effectively plan your recruitment process?

Initiate with Two Vital Questions

At the outset, there are two fundamental questions that demand your attention:

  1. How many resumes do you need to acquire to fulfill your hiring objectives
  2. Where will you source the necessary resumes?

While these questions may appear simple, they can be surprisingly challenging, particularly for those new to the hiring process. Nonetheless, it is imperative to diligently answer these questions, even if it requires some time and effort. The investment is well worth it!

Comprehensive Step-by-Step Planning

To streamline your understanding of the intricate recruitment process, begin by creating a detailed list of every step involved:

  • Receive applications
  • Send auto-replies
  • Extend invitations for group interviews
  • Progress candidates from group interviews
  • Conduct one-on-one interviews
  • Advance candidates from one-on-one interviews
  • Conduct reference checks
  • Perform the “Sniff Test”
  • Accept and finalize offers
  • Commence training

At each stage of this process, a certain percentage of applicants will naturally drop out and not proceed to the next level. Acknowledging this fact, you may need to increase the initial number of resumes you seek. For instance, if your goal is to hire twelve individuals and ensure you have a pool of top-tier choices, you may need to start with over five hundred applicants.

Allocate Adequate Time for Training

Training your selected candidates is an integral part of the hiring process and should not be overlooked. When creating your hiring timeline, remember to allocate time for training before the intended start date. It is advisable to provide new hires with approximately two weeks of training, allowing them to transition from their current roles smoothly.

A well-structured onboarding program can significantly impact employee retention. Research has shown that 31 percent of employees leave their jobs within six months of starting, with 68 percent of those departures occurring within the first three months. A lack of effective onboarding, including unclear responsibilities and inadequate training, contributed to these early departures.” – Bamboo HR

Reserving time for proper training is paramount in your recruitment process. Rushing through this phase is not an option. If you have a specific start date in mind, you must commence the hiring process well in advance.

The hiring process can be arduous and demanding, but if you allocate the necessary time and attention, you’ll ultimately attract outstanding employees who align with your company culture and are committed to its success. Rushing or cutting corners in the recruitment process is a surefire recipe for regrets down the road. So, approach it with diligence and thorough planning to secure the best talent for your real estate company or team.

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